News & Events

15 January 2025: Professional Green Building Council International Conference 2025

HKGSA is pleased to be one of the Supporting Organizations of the Professional Green Building Council International Conference 2025 held on 15 January 2025. With over 1,300 participants joined physically and virtually, the Conference served as an effective platform for exchanging ideas and insights.

To acknowledge HKGSA’s generous support, a Letter of Graditude was presented by the organizer. Further, selected Photographs and Proceedings of the Conference are now available for free download.

31 October 2024: The Fifth Hydrogen Economy Forum (HEF5) at the AsiaWorld Expo
(Free-of-Charge / Hybrid Event / Simultaneous Translation available)

For the fifth consecutive year since 2019, HKGSA, alongside with other co-organizers, is pleased to announce the Fifth Hydrogen Economy Forum (HEF5 /《第五屆氫能經濟論壇》) in 2024. With support from other co-organizers including the Hong Kong Environmental Industry Association (HKIEnvA), the Hong Kong Association of Energy Service Companies (HAESCO), the Hong Kong Hydrogen Alliance (HKH2A), the STARS Foundation and the Business Environment Council (BEC), HEF5 is promised to be another run of a premier event brand dedicated to the current policy and technological developments for wider adoption and application of Hydrogen (H2) in Hong Kong.

HEF5 will be held in hybrid mode (i.e., both physical attendance and virtual participation) and simultaneous translation is available. This year, we are again honoured to have Ms. Diane Wong, JP, the Under Secretary for the Environment and Ecology Bureau of the HKSAR Government to be the Guest of Honour. The Co-Organizers have invited key stakeholders in Hong Kong as well as those within the Greater Bay Area (GBA) and Mainland, sharing their experiences on policy directions, project implementation, success and constraints, cutting-edge technological achievements, pilot developments as well as many other related topics.

As in previous years, we are also very pleased to continue having the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (香港貿易發展局) as our Event Partner. We are delighted that HEF5 continues to be an Official Event of the EcoExpo Asia 2024.

For environmental-friendly reasons, no paper or hard copy of any kind will be distributed. All participants are encouraged to download a copy of the e-Forum Booklet prior to joining HEF5.

Please register quickly before very (very) limited spaces run out!

19 September 2024: Written Submission on the 2024/25 Policy Address Consultation on Prominent Environmental Issues

For the Thirteenth (13th) Consecutive Year, HKGSA has provided its written submission to the Chief Executive with a reference copy to the Secretary for the Environment and Ecology (EEB) on the prominent environmental issues for their consideration in formulating the upcoming Policy Address (2024/25). The submission was prepared with the collective wisdom and vast experiences of each HKGSA executive committee member.

As evident in our previous issues over the past decade and more, HKGSA expects that our recommendations will be highly valued, considered and adopted by the Administration as appropriate in the upcoming Policy Address.

All are encouraged and welcome to read all our 10+ previous submissions by scrolling down further on this webpage.

07 November 2024: Chinachem Group Sustainability Conference 2024

HKGSA is pleased to support the Chinachem Group Sustainability Conference 2024, organized by the Chinachem Group (CCG) and co-organized with the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) and the Business Environment Council Limited (BEC).

Stepping into its fifth edition, the Conference has taken a forward-looking theme of “Integrating Sustainability Solutions towards a Resilient Future”, diving deep into the three key pillars of Climate Change, Sustainable Financing and Impact Investment.

This full-day Conference is completely free-of-charge and in hybrid mode. Please refer to the Conference Leaflet and Conference Website for more information. If you are interested, please register with the organizer directly Online.

02 September 2024: Annual Reception 2024

Jointly organized by HKGSA and the Hong Kong Environmental Industry Association (HKEnvIA), and co-organized with the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC), the 2024 Annual Reception concluded successfully as scheduled. Once again, it proved to be a perfect occasion to meet and mingle with old and new friends, as well as to appreciate our collective efforts in environmental protection over the past year.

The Reception was also supported by the Business Environment Council (BEC), the Federation of Hong Kong Industries (FHKI), theEnvironmental Industries Council (EIC), the Hong Kong Association of Energy Services Companies Limited (HAESCO), the Hong Kong Bio- & Eco-Energy Industry Association (HKBEE), the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC), the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Environmental Division (HKIE-EVD), the Hong Kong Institute of Qualified Environmental Professionals Limited (HKIQEP) and the Hong Kong Waste Management Association (HKWMA).

This year, we were honoured to have the presence of Mr. TSE Chin-wanBBS, JP Secretary for Environment and Ecology of the HKSAR Government to be our Guest of Honour, alongside with numerous senior government officials and prestigious guests.

Please check out the selected Photographs of this memorable event.

11 September 2024: The BOCHK Corporate Low-Carbon Environmental Leadership Awards 2024 / 工總「中銀香港企業低碳環保領先大獎2024」

As a long-standing supporter, HKGSA is pleased to announce the BOCHK Corporate Low-Carbon Environmental Leadership Awards 2024 (「工總中銀香港企業低碳環保領先大獎2024」), organized by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries (“FHKI” / 「香港工業總會」) and sponsored by the Bank of China (Hong Kong) (“BOCHK”/ 「中銀香港」). Since 2015, the Award aims to promote active participation in environmentally conscious practices among the manufacturing, services and property management enterprises in Hong Kong and the Pan-Pearl River Delta (Pan-PRD) region to further reduce environmental footprints in these communities.

Please refer to the Award Flyer and the Award Booklet for more information, or visit the official Award website ( for full particulars including legibility and award categories. Deadline of enrolment is 31 October 2024.

04 July 2024: Application for the Hong Kong Green Awards 2024 (2024香港綠色企業大獎) now opens!

As in the past years, HKGSA is pleased to be a Supporting Organization of the “Hong Kong Green Awards” (HKGA) organized by the Green Council. Further, our Executive Committee Member, Ir Prof C.F. Lam, will continue to act as one of the judges in the Award Judging Panel.

Application is now open until 09 September 2024. Please refer to the Promotion Flyer or the event website ( for more details, and register with the organizer directly if you are interested.

05 June 2024: HKFORT’s ECF F&B Industry Carbon Neutral Programme 「環境及自然保育基金資助之餐飲業碳中和計劃」

HKGSA is pleased to be a Supporting Organization of the above Programme funded by the Environmental and Conservation Fund (ECF / 環境及自然保育基金) and led by the Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants & Related Trades (HKFORT / 香港餐飲聯業協會) with the support of The Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC / 生產力局) as the implementation agent.

The Programme is designed to enhance awareness of carbon neutrality’s importance and encourage sustainable practices within the F&B industry and broader community, including an all-in-one information platform, an Industry Alliance, a Carbon Pioneer Recognition Scheme for restaurants as well as a series of capacity-building activities.

12 February 2024: Carbon Neutrality Campaign Carbon Reduction Competition【全城零碳行動比賽】

HKGSA is pleased to support the said Competition organized by the Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF). In view of the overwhelming interest in the Competition, the deadline is now extended to 31 March 2024.

Please see the Promotional Flyer and Introductory Material for full details, and enrol online quickly at

For any questions, please contact the organizer at 2788 6133 or email at

01 February 2024: UNSDG Achievement Awards Hong Kong 2024 by the Green Council

Continuing its collaboration in the past years, HKGSA is pleased to be a Supporting Organization of the UNSDG Achievement Awards Hong Kong 2024, which was first organised and staged by the Green Council in 2021.

A series of events will be organized in the upcoming months by the Green Council. Please visit their website ( for further information and enrolment details.

17 November 2023: HKGSA Annual Reception 2023

Jointly organized amongst HKGSA and the Hong Kong Environmental Industry Association (HKEnvIA) and co-organized with the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC), the 2023 Annual Reception was successfully concluded as scheduled, and is again proven to be a perfect occasion to meet and mingle with old and new friends, as well as to appreciate our efforts in environmental protection over the year.

The Reception was also supported by the Hong Kong Association of Energy Services Companies Limited (HAESCO), the Hong Kong Bio- & Eco-Energy Industry Association (HKBEE), the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC), the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Environmental Division (HKIE-EVD), the Hong Kong Institute of Qualified Environmental Professionals Limited (HKIQEP) and the Hong Kong Waste Management Association (HKWMA).

This year, we were honoured to have the presence of Mr. TSE Chin-wan, BBS, JP, Secretary for Environment and Ecology of the HKSAR Government to be our Guest of Honour, alongside with numerous senior government officials and prestigious guests. Please click HERE for a brief report and selected photographs of this memorable event.

27 October 2023: The Fourth Hydrogen Economy Forum (HEF4) at AsiaWorld Expo
(Free-of-Charge / Hybrid Event)

For the fourth consecutive year since 2019, HKGSA, alongside with other co-organizers, is pleased to announce the Fourth Hydrogen Economy Forum (HEF4 /《第四屆氫能經濟論壇》) for 2023. HEF4 is promised to be another premier event dedicated to the latest policy and technological developments for wider adoption of Hydrogen (H2) in Hong Kong for obvious reasons of environmental friendliness and carbon neutrality.

With the social and travel restrictions now lifted, HEF4 will be held in hybrid mode (i.e., both physical attendance and virtual participation). In view of the overwhelming responses in the past HEFs, HEF4 has expanded from the former half-day programme to a full-day event. The Co-Organizers have invited key stakeholders in Hong Kong as well as those within the Greater Bay Area (GBA) and Mainland, sharing their experiences on policy directions, project implementation, success and constraints, cutting-edge technological achievements, pilot developments as well as many other related topics.

As in previous years, we are also very pleased to continue having the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (香港貿易發展局) as our Event Partner. We are delighted that HEF4 continues to be an Official Event of the EcoExpo Asia 2023.

For environmental-friendly reasons, no paper or hard copy of any kind will be distributed. All participants are encouraged to download a copy of the e-Forum Booklet prior to joining HEF4.

The event is completely
free-of-charge and was successfully concluded as scheduled. HEF4 attracted over 700 participants in total, comprising physical and virtual participations in roughly same proportions.

Look forward to your participation again in HKGSA's events in future!!

19 September 2023: Written Submission on the 2023/24 Policy Address Consultation on Prominent Environmental Issues

For the Twelve (12th) Consecutive Year, HKGSA has provided its written submission to the Chief Executive with a copy to the Secretary for the Environment and Ecology (EEB) on the prominent environmental issues for their consideration in formulating the upcoming Policy Address (2023/24). The submission was prepared with the collective wisdom and vast experiences of each HKGSA executive committee member.

As evident in the previous issues over the past decade and more, HKGSA expects that our recommendations will be highly valued, considered and adopted by the Administration as appropriate in the upcoming Policy Address.

All are encouraged and welcome to read all our 10+ previous submissions by scrolling down further on this webpage.

05 September 2023Innovation Series: "How can Innovation and Technology drive the Circular Economy and Competitive Advantage" (Hong Kong edition)

Organized by the German Industry and Commerce Ltd. (AHK Hong Kong) and German Chamber of Commerce – South & Southwest China (GCC SSW), this Hong Kong Edition of the ‘Innovation Series’ titled 'How can Innovation and technology drive the Circular Economy and Competitive Advantage' is centred around the Circular Economy, with a special official presentation of a White Paper – Advanced Sorting Facilities: The Key to Effective and Efficient Recycling and Waste Management in Hong Kong produced by ALBA Group Asia, The Green Earth and German Industry and Commerce.

The Innovation Dialogue Series are a series of four events planned in South China in alternating locations to provide a platform for business representative to (re-)connect and discover new business and partnership opportunities in the region in the area of Innovation. This event aims to bring together experts and industry leaders from Germany and China to discuss how companies are implementing innovative recycling technologies and sustainable materials to create products that are environmentally friendly.

Please see the Event Flyer for details and if you are interested, please register with the organizer directly here.

23 June 2023: “The BOCHK Corporate Low-Carbon Environmental Leadership Awards 2023”

The BOCHK Corporate Low-Carbon Environmental Leadership Awards (「中銀香港企業低碳環保領先大獎」), organized by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries (“FHKI” / 「香港工業總會」) and sponsored by Bank of China (Hong Kong) (“BOCHK”/ 「中銀香港」) since 2015, aims to promote active participation in environmentally conscious practices among the manufacturing, services and property management enterprises in Hong Kong and the Pan-Pearl River Delta (Pan-PRD) region to further reduce environmental footprints in these communities.

HKGSA is pleased to be a Supporting Organization of this meaningful and long-standing event. For more information of this event, please visit and enroll directly with FHKI if interested.

14 June 2023: Seminar on Hong Kong Green Awards 2023 - Information Dissemination and Experience Sharing

As in past years, HKGSA is pleased to be a Supporting Organization of the “Hong Kong Green Awards” by Green Council. To jumpstart the meaningful event for this year, an “Information Dissemination and Experience Sharing Seminar” (香港綠色企業大獎 2023 經驗分享研討會) is scheduled. Please see the Seminar Flyer and register with Green Council directly by clicking here.

25 May 2023: BEC’s EnviroSeries Conference

Continuing from previous years, HKGSA is pleased to be a Supporting Organization of BEC’s EnviroSeries Conference, this year titled “Accelerating Net-zero Action through Carbon Pricing, Digitalisation and Closing the Resource Loop”, to be held in hybrid format.

Please visit BEC’s website ( for more information and register with BEC directly if interested.

05 May 2023UNSDG Achievement Awards Hong Kong 2023 by Green Council

As a long-standing partner, HKGSA is pleased to be a Supporting Organization of the UNSDG Achievement Awards Hong Kong 2023 organized by the Green Council, to recognise the efforts and achievements by organisations and/or individual projects in Hong Kong in addressing and accomplishing the SDGs .

The Schedule of the Awards is as follow:

Enrolment & Assessment Submission Deadline: End of June 2023
Assessment Period: July – August 2023
Awards Presentation Ceremony: August 2023

Interested parties can refer to Green Council's website at for details. In case further information is required, please contact the UNSDG Achievement Awards Hong Kong Secretariat directly at 2810 1122 or by email at

15 April 2023碳中和研討會系列 - 與國家氣候變化專家探討

                                      (Free-of-Charge / In Chinese only)

The said event co-organized amongst HKGSA, the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) and AERC of the City University of Hong Kong (CityU) were successfully concluded as scheduled.

We were honored to have Prof. LI Zheng (李政) of Tsinghua University to come to deliver his in-depth knowledge on the subject in person, alongside with other heavy-weight speakers including Ir Dr Hon W.K. LO, Prof. Michael LEUNG and senior representatives of HKPC.

The event was in Chinese only and free-of-charge. The Event Flyer
 is archived for reference.

After obtaining the kindest approvals of the speakers, the Presentation Materials are now available for download below:


香港生產力促進局綠色生活與創新部 / 碳及ESG方案副主管


23 April 2023: HKIE Environmental Division Annual Forum

As a long standing partner, HKGSA is pleased to support the Annual Forum of the Environmental Division of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE). The theme for this year is "Climate Governance towards Net-Zero Energy and Mobility in Hong Kong: Engineering Challenges and Innovation Opportunities".

Please register with the organizer directly using the information contained in the Event Flyer.

10 March 2023: IMechE’s Symposium on Energy Use

HKGSA is honored to be a Supporting Organization of the said full-day Symposium on Energy Use organized by IMechE Hong Kong Branch. The theme of the Symposium is “LNG, H2 & Waste Recycle Energy – Engineering the Society to Achieve Carbon Zero with Clean Energy”.

Please register with the organizer directly if interested.

16 December 2022: HKGSA Annual Reception 2022

After an extended period of covid restrictions, HKGSA is pleased have received tremendous support from all friends and peers on its first physical event for a while – the Annual Reception 2023 which was jointly organized with the Hong Kong Environmental Industry Association (HKEnvIA), and co-organized by HKPC.

Further, we were honored to have Mr. TSE Chin-wan, the Secretary for the Environment and Ecology, as the Guest of Honor. Please click HERE for selected photos of the Annual Forum.

We look forward to seeing you all again in 2023!

16 December 2022: HKGBC’s “Greater Bay Area Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2022”

Being an official event of the CIC Construction Innovation Expo 2022, HKGSA is pleased to support the said Conference organized the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC). The theme of this flagship event is “Achieving a Sustainable and Carbon Neutral Built Environment in the Greater Bay Area”.

Prestigious speakers including Ms Bernadette LINN, JP, Secretary for Development as the Guest of Honor, as well as Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Secretary for Environment and Ecology and Secretary for Housing.

Please register with HKGBC directly to join.

10 December 2022: HAESCO “Innovative Applications of Smart Technologies in Manufacturing Sector for a Net Zero Future”

                                      (Free-of-Charge / In Chinese only)

HKGSA is pleased to continue its support on various events organized by the Hong Kong Association of Energy Service Companies (HAESCO). As the fifth event of the series, this forum is titled Innovative Applications of Smart Technologies in Manufacturing Sector for a Net Zero Future (實現零碳的智能製造應用及綠色製造技術).

The event is free-of-charge. Please refer to the Event Flyer for full particulars, and CPD certificates are available upon request. Registration shall be made directly with the organizer at

05 December 2022: "Foresight 2023" by Hong Kong Productivity Council

Launched since 2020, HKGSA is pleased to support the “ForeSight Series 2023” byt the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC). This edition is themed “Leveraging Technologies for New Economic Chapters”.

Please visit for a recap of the “ForeSight Series 2023”.

29 November 2022: BEC’s EnviroSeries Conference 2022

As in previous years, HKGSA is pleased to the EnviroSeries Conference organized by the Business Environment Council (BEC) in hybrid mode. The theme for 2022 is “Formulating Business Roadmaps Towards Net Zero to be held in hybrid mode.

Please register with BEC directly at if you are interested to join.

05 November 2022: HKGSA becomes a Collaborative Partner of the Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence (HKAEE)

At the invitation of HKAEE, HKGSA is pleased to become a Collaborative Partner of the Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence (HKAEE). HKAEE is co-organized by the Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC), EPD and nine other chambers of commerce, business/trade bodies and professional groups.

Please visit for details of the Award.


31 October 2022: HKPC Carbon Neutrality Seminar Series: “Green Building and Construction cum Practices”

As the first of its Carbon Neutrality Seminar Series organized the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC), this hybrid seminar focuses on Green Building, Construction and Practices, bringing together local experts in the field including:

  • Dr Lawrence CHEUNG (Chief Innovation Officer, HKPC)
  • Ir Dr Cary CHAN (Executive Director, HKGBC)
  • Prof. Jeslie CHUI (Adjunct Professor, CityU)
  • Prof. C.S. POON (Director of Research Centre for Resources Engineering towards Carbon Neutrality, Michael Anson Professor in Civil Engineering, Chair Professor of Sustainable Construction Materials, Head of Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, PolyU)
  • Prof. Michael LEUNG (Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund Professor of Energy and Environment Professor, CityU)
  • Ir Kenny WONG (Head of Carbon and Environmental Excellence of the Green Living and Innovation Division, HKPC)

Please register directly with HKPC if you are interested before very limited space runs out.

24 October 2022: Chinachem Group Sustainability Conference 2022

Organised by the Chinachem Group and co-organised by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC), the third edition of Chinachem Group Sustainability Conference will be held at the Nina Hotel in Hong Kong both in hybrid (physical and virtual) format. The theme of this year's Conference is "Creating Social Impact on the Zero Carbon Journey in Hong Kong".

At the Conference, renowned overseas and local speakers will share on a broad range of inspiring topics and deliver case studies regarding the technical aspects of green buildings, green finance, and offer novel perspectives on how green buildings can intertwine with culture and conservation. Please visit the official Event Website or Event Flyer for details.

22 October 2022: HAESCO “Development of National Carbon Trading System in 14th Five Year Plan And Its Impact on Abatement Cost for Industry Sector”

                                      (Free-of-Charge / In Chinese only)

HKGSA is pleased to continue its support on various events organized by the Hong Kong Association of Energy Service Companies (HAESCO). As the fourth event of the series, this forum is titled Development of National Carbon Trading System in 14th Five Year Plan And Its Impact on Abatement Cost for Industry Sector (全國碳市場及十四五碳排放權交易發展對工業部門減排成本的影響).

The event is free-of-charge. Please refer to the Event Flyer for full particulars, and CPD certificates are available upon request. Registration shall be made directly with the organizer at

13 September 2022: Written Submission on the 2022/23 Policy Address Consultation

For the eleventh (11th) consecutive year, HKGSA has provided its written submission to the Chief Executive with a copy to the the Secretary for the Environment and Ecology on the prominent environmental issues for their consideration in formulating the upcoming Policy Address (2022/23). The submission was prepared with the collective wisdom and vast experiences of each HKGSA executive committee member.

HKGSA's submission was acknowledged by the Office of the Chief Executive in writing.

As evident in the past 10 years, selected recommendations made by HKGSA were in fact considered and adopted by the government in previous Policy Addresses. All are encouraged and welcomed to read all our previous submissions.

(all of which are available on this same page - please use simply word search “Policy Address” by scrolling down)

27 August 2022: HAESCO “An Integrated Energy System and Energy Supply in a Net Zero Carbon Future Forum”

                                      (Free-of-Charge / In Chinese only)

HKGSA is pleased to continue its support on various events organized by the Hong Kong Association of Energy Service Companies (HAESCO). As a third event of the series, this forum is titled An Integrated Energy System and Energy Supply in a Net Zero Carbon Future Forum (「邁向零碳未來的能源供應及綜合能源系統」).

The event is free-of-charge. Please refer to the Event Flyer
 for full particulars, and CPD certificates are available upon request. Registration shall be made directly with the organizer at

17 July 2022: HAESCO “Development of Next Generation Green Energy Hydrogen Forum”
                              (Free-of-Charge / In Chinese only)

HKGSA is pleased to continue its support on various events organized by the Hong Kong Association of Energy Service Companies (HAESCO). Further to the first of the series in May, this second forum is titled Development of Next Generation Green Energy Hydrogen Forum” (「新時代綠色能源發展氫能政策及技術發展」).

The event is free-of-charge. Please refer to the Event Flyer for full particulars, and CPD certificates are available upon request. Registration shall be made directly with the organizer at

17 June 2022: BEC EnviroSeries Conference 2022 - “Driving Business Ambition into Action for a Net-Zero Hong Kong”

HKGSA is pleased to be a Supporting Organization of Business Environment Council’s (BEC’s) annual flagship event “BEC EnviroSeries Conference”, to be held in hybrid format on 17 June 2022. The title for this year’s Conference is “Driving Business Ambition into Action for a Net-Zero Hong Kong”, duly considering the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (“COP26”) in Glasgow, United Kingdom in November 2021 as well as Hong Kong’s four-pronged decarbonisation strategy under “Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2050” – net-zero electricity generation, energy saving and green buildings, green transport, and waste reduction.

Specifically, the Conference will:

(a)                Showcase the importance of setting ambition and taking early business action

(b)                Discuss how innovation and partnership can bridge the gap between pledges and action, and

(c)                Inspire BEC members and the private sector to transform for a net-zero and sustainable Hong Kong.

Please see the Event Rundown and register with BEC directly ( if you are interested.

23 ~ 24 June 2022: “The 7th International Conference – Hydrogen and Clean Energy to Net Zero”

The Energy Institute Hong Kong (EIHK) together with the City University of Hong Kong (CityU) and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) is jointly organizing an International Conference on Hydrogen & Clean Energy in physical format at the CityU campus.

HKGSA is pleased to be one of the Supporting Organizations of this Conference. Please stay tuned for more details which will become available in due course.

28 May 2022: HAESCO “2022 Carbon Neutrality Forum” "從「雙碳」規劃展望製造業的綠色轉型"
(Free-of-Charge / In Chinese only)

As a close partner of the Hong Kong Association of Energy Service Companies (HAESCO), HKGSA is pleased to be a supporting organization of its first forum amongst a series of “2022 Carbon Neutrality Forums”, titled "從「雙碳」規劃展望製造業的綠色轉型" to be held in late May. The series aims to promote Cleaner Production Technology and is supported by the funding organization, Cleaner Production Partnership Programme (CPPP). The event is free-of-charge. Please refer to the Event Flyer for full particulars, and CPD certificates are available upon request. Registration shall be made directly with the organizer at

05 May 2022: Hong Kong Green Awards 2022

In its 13th year of running since 2010, HKGSA is pleased to be a continual supporter of Green Council’s Hong Kong Green Awards「香港綠色企業大獎」, an award with the goal of formally identifying and recognising local companies with exceptional performance on green management and sustainable procurement.

The enrolment is expected to start some time in June, and a final Award Presentation Ceremony shall be in December some time. Please visit the Official Website of the event (
) to ensure you are kept in the loop with the latest announcements. Further, our Executive Committee Member, Ir Prof C. F. Lam, will represent HKGSA and act as one of the judges in the Judging Panel of the Award.

28 April 2022 The HKIE Environmental Division Annual Forum (Free)

As in previous years, HKGSA is pleased to be one of the Supporting Organizations of HKIE Environmental Division’s Annual Forum. This year, the theme of the Forum is “Engineering Net Zero Transition”. In view of the current COVID situation yet maintaining effective communications and knowledge-sharing, the Organizer will hold the Forum virtually and completely Free of Charge.


However, prior registration is required and seats are limited. Therefore, please secure your seat by registered at Further information on this Annual Form can be found in the Event Flyer or by visiting

January 2022: Green Building Award 2021 (GBA 2021)

HKGSA is pleased to become a Supporting Organization of GBA 2021, which is co-organised by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) and the Professional Green Building Council (PGBC). Since 2006, this biennial Award aims to provide recognition to building-related projects and organizations with outstanding performance and contributions in sustainability and the built environment in Hong Kong and the region.

This year’s Award is themed "Shaping Liveability • Excellence in Sustainable Built Environment". GBA 2021 is now open for nomination with submission deadline of 12:00 noon on 15 June 2021 in five (5) categories: (a) New Buildings, (b) Existing Buildings, (c) Research & Planning, (d) Building Products and Technologies and (e) Green Building Leadership. Results will be announced at an Award Presentation Ceremony in January 2022 (exact date TBA). Please visit for more information about this event.

01 December 2021: BEC’s EnviroSeries Conference “Transforming Business for Sustainability” (Hybrid Mode)

HKGSA is pleased to be a Supporting Organization of the EnviroSeries Conferenced “Transforming Business for Sustainability” organized by Business Environment Council. The Conference will be held a hybrid format that welcomes both in-person and online participants.

Following the June 2021 EnviroSeries Conference entitled “Redefining Business Leadership for Green Growth”, this Conference aims to continue the conversation on how business transformation would enable the building of a green and sustainable Hong Kong. Specifically, the conference will share, showcase and discuss best practices and success stories in business transformation from selected industries, and inspire BEC members and the wider business community to push for transformational strategies and ambitious actions conducive to long-term sustainability and the creation of shared value for society.

Please see the BEC’s website ( and the Conference Flyer for further details, and register with BEC directly if you are interested. Registration fee apply for physical attendance while online passes are free-of-charge.

December 2021: HKGBC’s “Advancing Net Zero Ideas Competition”

As part of the World Green Building Council’s Advancing Net Zero initiative to accelerate the uptake of net zero carbon buildings by 2050, the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) is committed to raising awareness and stimulating actions for the Hong Kong Building and Construction industry to Advancing Net Zero in a high-rise high-density urban context. To this end, HKGBC is organizing an Advancing Net Zero Ideas Competition - to generate ideas and solutions and enhance learning and knowledge sharing for advancing high density net zero.

HKGSA is pleased to be a Supporting Organization of this event. A two-tier exercise, respectively, June and October 2021 will be carried out, followed by the Award Ceremony tentatively in December 2021. Please refer to the Competition Information Leaflet and visit for further information.

28 October 2021: The Second Conference on Hydrogen Economy (HEC2021)《第二屆氫能經濟會議》(Virtual Event)

Building on the success of the first “Hydrogen Economy Conference” in 2020, HKGSA, in collaboration with the Hong Kong Environmental Industry Association (HKEnvIA), the Hong Kong Association of Energy Services Companies (HAESCO) and the S.T.A.R.S. Foundation (STARS), have decided to organize the Conference again this year. The themes of the Conference were focused on “Hydrogen” and “Carbon Neutrality”. The language of the Conference was in English only.

This unique half-day online forum, bringing experts on international levels and presenting cutting-edge technological innovations and policy directions was successfully concluded. We are also honored to have >15 supporting organizations, media sponsors, IT support and venue sponsor for the Conference. Further, through collaboration with our Event Partner, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), HEC2021 was an official and concurrent event of the Eco Expo Asia 2021.

The participation rate was overwhelming and was a record-high, with >450 unique registrations from participants locally, regionally, and globally. An e-Conference Booklet was prepared and distributed prior to the event to enhance participants' conference experience. Furthermore, the Post-Conference Report captures the highlights including selected photographs of the virtual conference.

The Conference started with a brief Opening Remark by the Conference Moderator, followed by Welcome Speeches from the leaders of the Co-Organizers:

Ir Dr the Hon LO Wai Kwok (盧偉國議員 博士 工程師) GBS, MH, JP
   Chairman, Hong Kong Green Strategy Alliance (HKGSA)

Ir Prof Daniel M. CHENG (鄭文聰 教授 工程師) MH, JP
President, Hong Kong Environmental Industry Association (HKEnvIA)

Mr. Colin TAM (譚兆棟 先生)
Chairman, Hong Kong Association of Energy Services Companies (HAESCO)

Mr. Johnny CHONG (莊寧 先生)
Chairman, S.T.A.R.S. Foundation (STARS)

Despite his extremely busy scheme, Mr. K.S. Wong (Secretary for the Environment) had agreed to be the Guest of Honour of the Conference and delivered his pre-recorded Keynote Speech "Hong Kong's Roadmap for Carbon Neutrality" for the event.

Further, we are pleased to have four (4) prominent and international-renowned experts in the field to share their know-how and latest developments real-time online, including:

"Status and Prospect of Hydrogen Industry in China" (Presentation Materials)
Ms. Hazel SHAO (邵詩洋 女士)
Managing Director, Goolun Capital (古蓮資本)
Expert Director, Energy Investment Committee, Investment Association of China (中國投資協會)

"Catalysing Hydrogen Investment"(Presentation Materials)
Mr. Thomas BRIAULT
Southeast Asia Energy Leader, Arup (奥雅纳)

"Green Hydrogen for Combating Climate Change and UNDP China's Experience"
Dr. ZHANG Wei Dong (張衛東 博士)
Programme Director, United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in China (聯合國開發計劃署)

"The Importance of Municipal Solid Waste in Hydrogen Economy" (Presentation Materials)
Mr. Samuel TAM (譚兆錚 先生)
Chief Technology Officer, EnerWaste Asia Pacific Limited (城智循環有限公司)
Former Chief China Representative, Fossil Energy Office, US Department of Energy (DoE)

Please click HERE for selected Video Recordings of Conference.

The event is now closed but was completely free-of-chargee-CPD certificates are being prepared and distributed to those participants requesting at the same at the time of online registration.

18 ~ 19 November 2021: HKPC "ForeSight 2022"

As in the previous year, HKGSA is pleased to be a Supporting Organization of “ForeSight 2022” organized by the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC). This event is designed to provide staunch support to Hong Kong SMEs and startups. Over the years, HKPC has established various platforms to disseminate market intelligence and development trends to show local companies the path for continuous growth and strategies to keep pace with an increasingly digitalised and competitive world.

“ForeSight Series” is one of the platforms set up in 2020. The nascent event in 2020, ForeSight 2021, held as a virtual forum in response to the pandemic, attracted 260K+ hits on its dedicated website.

The event will return this year as “ForeSight 2022” under the theme of “Dare to Innovate, Capture the Opportunities” at the HKPC. There will be 4 thematic panel discussion sessions in hybrid mode, covering the topics of macroeconomic outlook, opportunities in the National 14th Five-Year Plan and Greater Bay Area, reindustrialisation, and smart and green living.

Please see the attached Event Flyer for full details, and register directly with HKPC if you are interested.

07 October 2021: [For Immediate Release] HKGSA Supports the 2021/2022 Policy Address
                                                                         香港綠色策略聯盟 支持 2021-2022 年施政報告

As you are aware, HKGSA has been providing written submissions to the Government for the past 10+ years, advocating the key aspects of environmental significance and proposing candidate solutions and way-forwards, during the formulation of the annual Policy Address.

HKGSA is pleased to see, and does strongly support, the enviromental initiatives and solutions stipulated in the 2021-2022 Policy Address of the Chief Executive, which have appropriately covered the relevant key environmental issues of concern.

Please see our bilingual support letter in Chinese and English by clicking the respective links.

08 October 2021: HKGSA Annual Reception (2021)

Jointly organized by HKGSA and the Hong Kong Environmental Industries Association (HKEnvIA), with Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) as a co-organizer, the 2021 Annual Reception has been one of the most-attended annual events of HKGSA. The Reception was also supported by the Hong Kong Bio- & Eco-Energy Industry Association (HKBEE), Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC), Environmental Division of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE-EVD), The Hong Kong Institute of Qualified Environmental Professionals Limited (HKIQEP) and the Hong Kong Waste Management Association (HKWMA).

We were so honored to have the presence of Mr. WONG Kam-sing, GBS, JP, Secretary for the Environment of the HKSARG to be our Guest of Honor. Our Receptions have been the perfect place for you to meet and mingle with old and new friends, as well as to reward ourselves for working hard all year round.

Particulars of the Annual Reception were as follows (CLOSED):
Format:     Physical Event
Date:         08 October 2021 (Friday)
Time:         6:00pm – 8:00pm
Venue:       Conference Hall, 4/F., HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon
Language: Cantonese

Please register through one of the following options (CLOSED):
(a) Online Registration (; OR
(b) Fill in the attached Registration Form (Fillable PDF) and send the Reply Slip by e-mail to

For event photos, please visit

We sincerely look forward to seeing you in person at this important annual event next year!

30th September 2021: Public Engagement on Control of Single-Use Plastics

The Council for Sustainable Development (SDC), at the invitation of the HKSAR Government, has launched the Public Interaction Phase of the Public Engagement on Control of Single-Use Plastics. All relevant documents, in bilingual formats, under this Phase are available at

As an extremely fast-paced society, single-use plastics have been used for decades in Hong Kong for their convenience and a variety of other reasons. However, the production, as well as the end-of-life, processes are highly energy- and carbon-intensive. If not collected and contained properly, some of these plastics ended up rivers and oceans, jeopardizing the ecology and sustainability of our marine environment. It is time to face this “inconvenient truth”.


This Public Engagement Exercise has started on 30th September until 29th December 2021.  Please submit your comments and suggestions directly to SDC by the deadline above.

15 September 2021: Written Submissions on the 2021/22 Policy Address Consultation

For the tenth (10th) consecutive year, HKGSA has provided its written submissions to the Chief Executive and the Secretary for the Environment on the prominent environmental issues for their consideration in formulating the upcoming Policy Address (2021/22)The submission was prepared with the collective wisdom and vast experiences of each HKGSA executive committee member.

As evident in the past 9 years, selected recommendations made by HKGSA were in fact considered and adopted by the government in previous Policy Address. All are encouraged and welcomed to read all our previous submissions (all of which are available on this same page - please scroll down).

September 2021: Green Council presents “UN SDG Achievement Awards Hong Kong”

HKGSA is pleased to be a Supporting Organization of the “UN SDG Achievement Awards Hong Kong” presented by the Green Council. The Award is a sustainability initiative designed to accelerate and recognize efforts and achievements in contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were adopted by all United Nations Member States in September 2015. The SDGs provide a framework and blueprint for the globe to take actions by 2030 on some of the most pressing issues confronting us in the pursuit of a more prosperous, inclusive and peaceful world for future generations.

The Awards are scheduled for enrolment until end of June 2021, followed by Assessment Period then Awards Presentation Ceremony some time in September 2021. Please see the Award Leaflet and visit for full particulars.

26 June 2021: Technical Seminar on "State and Trend of Hydrogen Development in Manufacturing Industry”

HKGSA is pleased to support the said Technical Seminar organized by HAESCO (Hong Kong Association of Energy Service Companies). The seminar will be carried out in a hybrid mode (i.e. in person as well as via online media). The event is free of charge, but only 20 physical seats are available on first-come-first-serve basis. Please register ( quickly to secure your registration.

07 May 2021 - Chinachem Group Sustainability Conference 2021 – “Creating a Sustainable and Healthy Community for All Ages”

HKGSA is pleased to support the Chinachem Group Sustainability Conference 2021. In its second edition, it is continually organised by the Chinachem Group and co-organised by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC). Themed “Creating a Sustainable and Healthy Community for All Ages”, the Conference will focus on comprehensive discussion of multi-dimensional solutions to shape a smart city for all ages. Renowned overseas and local speakers will be invited to share their insights from urban and community planning, building rejuvenation, building design and infrastructures, ageing innovation and assistive technology, as well as sharing of international case studies, to explore possible ways to build a smart and liveable neighbourhood for multi-generations, and with possible insight or lessons learnt by their professional industry from the recent pandemic.

Please visit the Event Website ( and the Event Flyer for full particulars and registration details.

29 April 2021: HKIE Environmental Division Annual Forum – “Decarbonisation – How Do We Prepare for the Transformation” (Online)

As a long term collaborative of HKGSA, we are pleased to support the Annual Forum organized by the HKIE Environmental Division (HKIE EVD). This year, the theme of the Forum is "Decarbonisation – How Do We Prepare for the Transformation”.

Further to the public engagement exercise on the long-term Decarbonisation for Hong Kong undertaken by the Council for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement with nearly 200 signatories, Hong Kong, like other developed countries and world cities, should share its climate responsibility, especially to address extreme weather conditions arisen in recent years and set Decarbonisation target. Whether Hong Kong will consider a reduction target of 60% or 80% or more, Decarbonisation will be a major challenge and opportunity to drive changes in our city and our lifestyle. The primary objectives of this forum are to serve as a platform to communicate and review Decarbonisation strategies; share local and international practices and explore relevant digitalization & innovation for Decarbonisation. At the same time, we would like to know how technologies and development can become critical enablers for the transformation and present both opportunities and challenges to engineers.

The Guest of Honour for the Forum is Mr WONG Kam-sing, GBS, JP, Secretary for the Environment, Environment Bureau, The Government of the HKSAR and the Opening Address will be delivered by Ir Professor PL YUEN, President, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. Please see the Event Flyer, visit the Event webpage ( and register at if you are interested.

24 April 2021: ICE One-Day Seminar 2021 – “Shaping a Sustainable Eco-City, Hong Kong”

Our Executive Committee Member, Ir Prof C.F. Lam, has been invited to deliver a talk titled “Invisible Solution for Eco-Friendly Development” at the said Seminar organized by the Institution of Civil Engineer’s Graduates and Students (ICE G&S) Section on 24 April 2021.

Please visit the official event website at and register using if you are interested.

14 March 2021: Hong Kong Sustainability Impact Program (香港可持續影響力方案)

HKGSA is honored to be a Supporting Organization of the Hong Kong Sustainability Impact Program (香港可持續影響力方案), co-hosted by STARS Foundation and JCI Ocean. Targets are set by the Hong Kong government to achieve the Waste Blueprint for Hong Kong 2035 and move towards carbon neutrality in Hong Kong before 2050. The Hong Kong Government is determined to take on the responsibility of a global city by tackling the challenge of waste management and carbon neutrality.

The vision would need the participation of various industry and the community. Not only does it call for policy making or the establishment of waste-to-energy infrastructure, but also a change in consumption and production patterns. The contribution and collaboration of different stakeholders is therefore vital. The half-year program invites corporates, students, and other citizens of Hong Kong to joining hands in implementing the vision by participating in various program activities.

Please visit their website ( for further details.

08 February 2021: HKGSA Supports Quantity-Based Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Charging in Hong Kong

Precious landfill space is being exhausted and HKGSA has long been a supporter of a MSW Charging Scheme. To further strengthen our position, HKGSA has provided our written Support Letter to The Bills Committee on Waste Disposal (Charging for Municipal Solid Waste) of the LegCo today. HKGSA strongly believes that this charging scheme will help accelerate behavioural change and reduce waste generation in the long run.

02 January 2021: Advisory Committee of the Hong Kong Green Label Scheme (2021-2025)

Operated by the Green Council, the Hong Kong Green Label Scheme (HKGLS) is an independent and voluntary scheme for the certification of environmentally preferable products launched in 2000 by the Green Council. The scheme sets environmental Product Criteria and awards its "Green Label" to products that are qualified regarding their environment attributes and/or performance, and the aim is to encourage manufacturers to supply products with good environmental performance and provide a convenient means for consumers to recognise products that are more environmentally responsible, thus promoting a more sustainable pattern of consumption. More information can be found at

HKGSA is very pleased that our Executive Committee Member, Ir Prof C.F. Lam, has been invited into the Advisory Committee of Hong Kong Green Label Scheme for a 5-year term between 2021 and 2025 in an honorary capacity.

05 ~ 11 December 2020: Hong Kong Green Building Week 2020 (Online)

HKGSA is pleased to be a supporting organisation of the Hong Kong Green Building Week (HKGBW) 2020, the annual green building public campaign which will take place online between 05 and 11 December 2020.

Following the success of the previous seven years, the Construction Industry Council (CIC) and the HKGBC are again co-organising the HKGBW this year to continue the objectives on raising public awareness on green building development and sustainable lifestyle. 

The key focus this year will be put in the Hong Kong Island East area with the theme of “Green Building Team Up!” which means collective effort of green building professionals and building users taking place for decarbonisation. Key programmes include a Kick-Off Event, Live Chat Seminars and Building Tour Videos.

Please visit for HKGBWs in previous years and related particulars.

27 November 2020: BEC EnviroSeries Online Conference

HKGSA is pleased to be a Supporting Organization of the “BEC EnviroSeries Online Conference” organized by Business Environment Council (BEC). This year, the theme of the Conference is “Urban Transport on the Move: Connecting Policies, People and Business Opportunities”.

Please visit for full details of the event and registration particulars.

23 ~ 27 November 2020: HKPC “Foresight 2021” Online Forums

HKGSA is pleased to support Hong Kong Productivity Council’s (HKPC’s) “Foresight 2021”, comprising a series of online forums sharing important insights into the future trends and development of transformation, technology and new economy in 2021.

Featuring industry leaders and experts, this 5-day web-based spectacle will bring businesses future insights covering digital commerce, green-tech & sustainability practices, future leadership skills, 5G and IoT, and re-industrialisation, helping them to get a head start in the Hong Kong, GBA and ASEAN markets. Brief descriptions on different sessions are as follows:

  1. Opening Forum – Foresight Leader Forum: “How technologies can equip SMEs for the new economy?”
  2. Digital Commerce – ASEAN Markets
  3. Green-Tech and Sustainability
  4. ASEAN LIVE – Unveil the Opportunities and Challenges
  5. ASEAN Opportunities – Seeding and Exceeding Success Forum
  6. Digital Commerce – The Greater Bay Area
  7. FutureSkills: The CEO Panel – Cultivating a Future-proof Workforce
  8. FutureSkills Forum: The Growth Leaders Panel – Building Resilience & Embracing Transformation
  9. 5G-IoT Development
  10. Re-industrialisation

These forums are free-of-charge. Please see the attached Flyer for details and visit for full particulars and registration details.

23 November 2020: Hydrogen Economy Conference 2020 (2020年氫能經濟會議)  (Online)

Hydrogen (H2) energy is one of most discussed forms of energy for the future. Its role in enhancing a sustainable living environment and circular economy is promising.

In keeping members and interest parties abreast of the latest developments, HKGSA, Hong Kong Environmental Industry Association (HKEnvIA), Hong Kong Association of Energy Services Companies (HAESCO) and Business Environment Council (BEC), have jointly organized this unique half-day online forum, bringing experts on international levels and presenting cutting-edge technological innovations (storage and transportation) and policy directions.

Apart from the leaders of the co-organizers, prominent and renowned speakers included:

     "Hydrogen Energy Promotes Fourth Industrial Revolution" (Presentation File)
     Prof. C.C. CHAN (陳清泉 院士) SBS
     Honorary Professor of The University of Hong Kong
     Fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering UK
     Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering (中國工程院院士)

     "Hydrogen Economy 2.0" (Presentation File)
     Mr. Albert LAU (劉培生 先生)
     Founder and CEO, EPRO Advance Technology Limited

     "Sunlight-driven Water Splitting for Clean Hydrogen Production" (Presentation File)
     Prof. NG Yun Hau (吳永豪 教授)
     Associate Professor, School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong

     "Global Promotion of Hydrogen Economy by United Nations Development Programme in China" (Presentation File)
     Dr. ZHANG Wei Dong (張衛東 博士), Programme Director
     United Nations Development Program (UNDP) (聯合國開發計劃署) in China, Beijing

An e-Conference Booklet was prepared to enhance participants' conference experience. A brief Event Report was also prepared, and the video recording of the Conference can be reviewed at

23 September 2020: Written Submissions to CE and SEN on the 2020/21 Policy Address Consultation

For the ninth (9th) consecutive year, HKGSA has provided its written submissions to the Chief Executive and the Secretary for the Environment on the prominent environmental issues for their consideration in formulating the upcoming Policy Address (2020/21), and is very grateful to have received the Chief Executive's Written Acknowledgement on our submission.

The submission was prepared with the collective wisdom and vast experiences of each HKGSA' executive committee member. All are encouraged and welcomed to read our submissions.

08 July 2020: BEC EnviroSeries Conference 2020

HKGSA is pleased to support Business Environmental Council's (BEC's) EnviroSeries Conference 2020: "Business Sustainability in the midst of Disruption, Turbulence and Recovery".

Reflecting on the unprecedented disruption the world is facing in recent months, the main objective of this Conference is to challenge the conventional wisdom and explore innovative, low carbon approaches to recover from the lows of the COVID-19 outbreak. The conference will highlight the tough challenges, extended risks as well as new-found opportunities faced by businesses in such difficult time, and to showcase how corporate leaders are building resilience and adaptability into their business planning and operations for long-term sustainability.

Please visit for full particulars and registration details.

29 June 2020HKGSA / HKEnvIA / HKPC 2020 Annual Forum "Sustainable Development @ Post-COVID19" (Online Video Broadcast)

This 2020 Annual Forum, jointly organized by HKGSA and Hong Kong Environmental Industry Association (HKEnvIA), with Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) as co-organizer, The Hong Kong Bio- & Eco-Energy Industry Association (HKBEE), The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) Environmental Division, Hong Kong Waste Management Association (HKWMA), The Hong Kong Institute of Qualified Environmental Professionals Limited (HKIQEP), The Hong Kong Green Building Council Limited (HKGBC) and Green Council (GC) as supporting organizations, was successfully held.

We were so honored to have the presence of Mr. Wong Kam-sing, GBS, JP, Secretary for the Environment of the HKSARG to be our Guest of Honour of the event, alongside with other heavy-weighted speakers and panelists, including:
- Ir Dr Hon LO Wai Kwok (Chairman of Hong Kong Green Strategy Alliance)
- Ir Prof Daniel CHENG (President of Hong Kong Environmental Industry Association)
- Dr Lawrence CHEUNG (Chief Innovation Office of Hong Kong Productivity Council)
- Mr. LEUNG Siu Fai (Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department)
- Mr. WONG Chung Leung (Director of Water Supplies Department)
- Mr. LO Kwok Wah (Director of Drainage Services Department)
- Mr. YU Tak Cheung (Director of Buildings Department)
- Mr. PANG Yiu Hung (Director of Electrical & Mechanical Services Department)
- Mr. CHENG Cho Ming (Director of Hong Kong Observatory)

Please see attached Newsletter for selected photos and highlights of this Annual Forum.

14 December 2019HAESCO Forum on "Next-Generation AI & Big Data Paradigm"

Apart from its Annual Gathering, HKGSA is also a Supporting Organization of the said Forum of HAESCO. Please see the Forum Flyer for details and the Forum is free of charge. Please register with the organizer directly at if you are interested.

07 December 2019Annual Gathering of HAESCO on Energy Efficiency and Energy Future in GBA

HKGSA is a Supporting Organization of the said Annual Gathering organized by the Hong Kong Association of Energy Services Companies Limited (HAESCO). Please see the Forum Flyer for details and the Forum is free of charge. Please register with the organizer directly at if you are interested.

02 November 2019: HAESCO Energy Forum - “Next Generation Energy Storage & Energy Efficiency"

HKGSA is a Supporting Organization of the said Forum organized by the Hong Kong Association of Energy Services Companies Limited (HAESCO). Please see the Forum Flyer for details and the Forum is free of charge. Please register with the organizer directly at if you are interested.

31 October ~ 02 November 2019: The International Water Association Asia Pacific Regional Group (IWA-ASPIRE) Conference & Exhibition 2019, Hong Kong

HKGSA is pleased to be one of the Supporting Organizations of the above biennial conference, organized by the International Water Association (IWA) and co-organized by CIWEM HK, DSD and WSD, at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The theme of the Conference is "Smart Solutions for Water Resilience". Please visit for detailed information and register with the organizer directly if interested.

26 September 2019: HKWMA's Forum on "Municipal Solid Waste Charging: How will it impact Hong Kong?"

As part of a series of events to celebrate HKWMA's 25th
 Anniversary in 2019, HKGSA is pleased to be one of th Supporting Organization on the One-Day Forum on "Municipal Solid Waste Charging: How will it impact Hong Kong?" will be held at the Chiang Chen Studio Theatre of the PolyU.

Please see the attached Forum Flyer for detailed information and rundown, and register with the organizer directly.

24 September 2019: “FoodSmart Conference for Food and Beverage Trade” 「星星相惜」餐飲業環保會議及展覽

HKGSA is one of the Supporting Organizations of the "FoodSmart Conference for Food and Beverage Trade" 「星星相惜」餐飲業環保會議及展覽, organized under the "FoodSmart Partnership Programme" (FSPP)  「星星相惜」餐飲伙伴計劃」.

The FSPP was formed by The Association for Hong Kong Catering Services Management Limited, Association of Restaurant Managers, Chamber of Food & Beverage Industry of Hong Kong, Estates' Restaurants (Hong Kong) Merchant Association, Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants & Related Trades and The Association for Institution of Dining Art, and co-organized by EPD, Food Wise Hong Kong Campaign and the Hong Kong Productivity Council (as Secretariat).

The keynote speaker will be Ms. Maisie Cheng (Permanent Secretary for the Environment) with officiating guest Mr. KS Wong (Secretary for the Environment).

You are invited to attend and is free. Please see the Event Flyer for more information and visit the following website for registration:

17 September 2019: Written Submission to The Chief Executive on the 2019-2020 Policy Address Consultation

For the eighth (8th) consecutive year, HKGSA has made its written submission to the Chief Executive Mrs. Carrie Lam, on "Suggestions to Prominent Environmental Issues for the 2019- 2020 Policy Adress".

17 September 2019: HKGSA's Responses to "Hong Kong's Long-Term Decarbonisation Strategy

In response to the said consultation execise by the Council for Sustainable Development (SDC), HKGSA has made its Written Submission outlining its responses and opinions on the said Strategy.

03 August 2019: HAESCO Energy Efficiency Forum “Next Generation Smart Energy & Low Carbon Paradigm”

HKGSA is a Supporting Organization of the said Forum organized by the Hong Kong Association of Energy Services Companies Limited (HAESCO). Please see the Forum Flyer for details and the Forum is free of charge. Please register with the organizer directly at if you are interested.

29 July 2019: The Hong Kong Green Building Week 2019 (HKGBW 2019)

As in the past year, HKGSA is pleased to continue being a Supporting Organization of the HKGBW and its associated events. Organized by the Construction Industry Council (CIC) and the HKGBC, HKGBW is an annual engagement campaign to raise public awareness on green building development and sustainable lifestyle. Highlights of the associated activities include the Biz-Green Dress Day on 5th September 2019, as well as the Opening Ceremony, Green Carnival and Green Building Exploration Competition between 21st and 22nd September 2019.

Please visit their office website ( for details and updates.

02 July 2019: HKGSA Annual Reception

As a tradition for the past years, HKGSA, jointly with the Hong Kong Environmental Industry Association (HKIEnvIA) and the Hong Kong Bio- & Eco-Energy Industry Association (HKBEE), will hold its Annual Reception on 02 July 2019. This Reception is also co-organized with the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC), and supported by the HKIE Environmental Division and the Hong Kong Waste Management Association (HKWMA).

We are so honored to have the presence of Mr. Wong Kam-sing, GBS, JP, Secretary for the Environment of the HKSARG again to be our Guest of Honour. This Reception is the perfect place for you to meet and mingle with old and new friends, as well as to reward ourselves for working hard all year round.

Please register online via, send your completed Reply Slip to or use the QR code provided in the flyer.

Look forward to seeing you then!

22 June 2019: Energy Efficiency Forum of HAESCO

As in previous events, HKGSA is proud to be one of the Supporting Organizations for the "Energy Efficiency Forum" of HAESCO (Hong Kong Association of Energy Services Company Limited). Please register directly with the organizer if you are interested.

15 June 2019: Forum on “Practical Solutions of Solar Energy in Hong Kong”「太陽能在香港如何落地? 」論壇

As a continual effort of the Government of the HKSAR to promote the use of renewable energy and in line with the "Hong Kong's Climate Change Action Plan 2030+", the Feed-In Tariff (FiT) Scheme was officially launched in 2018, further encouraging grid connections of small-scale and residential solar renewable energy (RE) systems at very preferential "buy-back" rates.

A year has passed since then. HKGSA, in collaboration with CityU, is organizing this half-day forum to recap what had been achieved in the past year, to showcase successful RE projects, to share difficulties encountered in practical solar RE system planning / implementation processes, and to suggest ways forward to further enhance the FiT Scheme to better fulfill its original objectives.

The Forum was very well-received and was successfully concluded. Speakers included Ir Alfred SIT Wing-hang, JP, Director of EMSD, Prof. YANG Hong-xing, Professor at PolyU and President of the Solar Energy Society of Hong Kong, as well as representatives from utilities and contractors. A panel discussion will be conducted at the end of the Forum to give an opportunity for the audiences to have some interactive Q&A and discussions with the speakers.

The Forum was completely Free of Charge. Please click here for selected forum photos and below for the presentations given by individual speakers.

Keynote Speech
"How HK Government Policy could Foster a Greener Hong Kong with Solar Energy"
Ir Alfred SIT Wing-hang, JP, Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services

"A New RE Eco-System under the FiT and RE Certificate Scheme"
Ir Kin WK LEUNG, Head of Customer Business Development, The Hongkong Electric Company, Limited

"Feed-in Tariff Scheme and Application Procedures"
Ir CHENG Chi-yan, Head of Business Development and Business Insights, CLP Power Hong Kong Limited

"Practical Utilization of Solar Energy in Hong Kong
Prof. YANG Hong-xingHead of Renewable Energy Research Group (RERG), Hong Kong Polytechnic University & President of the Solar Energy Society of Hong Kong

"How to run your Solar PV Plants for 15 Years and Beyond"
Mr. Steve H.W. CHEUNGCEO, Rhea Renewable Energy Company Limited

25 May 2019Technical Visit to O.Park

The HKGSA and the Hong Kong Waste Management Association (HKWMA) have organized a technical visit to this very first organic resources recovery centre (O.Park) in Hong Kong, which has been recently commissioned to process some 200 tonnes / day of food waste. Please visit the facility's official website ( for further details. Please register quickly before very limited space runs out.

16 May 2019: Free Collection of Source-Separated Food Waste Service under FSPP (免費「環保基金餐飲業廚餘源頭分類計劃」)

HKGSA has long been a Supporting Organization of the FoodSmart Partnership Programme (FSPP) (「星星相惜」餐飲伙伴計劃」). As one of the most recent initiatives, a programme titled "ECF Source Separation Programme of Food Waste for the Food & Beverage (F&B) Trade” (「環保基金餐飲業廚餘源頭分類計劃」) is kicked off to assist the development and implementation of a structured source separation of food waste for the F&B trade, free of charge (費用全免). With provision of hardware and technical support, we anticipate the F&B trade could implement food waste reduction and separation effectively in order to achieve reduction in refuse disposal and cost, and be prepared for the Municipal Solid Waste Charging.

For details of the Programme in English version, please click here. For Chinese (中文) version, please click here.

If you are interested to participate in the programme, please return the enclosed reply slip by 28 May 2019. Should you have any queries, please contact the Programme Manager at 2788 6065 or email to

30 April 2019 - The HKIE Environmental Division Annual Forum "Environmental Innovation: Opportunities and Challenges in Hong Kong"

As in the previous years, HKGSA is proud to be one of the Supporting Organizations of the said Annual Forum in April 2019 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel Hong Kong Kowloon East. Please register directly with the organizer if you are interested.

16 April 2019: Hong Kong Green Award 2019

As in the previous years, HKGSA is pleased to be one of the Supporting Organizations of the Hong Kong Green Award by the Green Council (GC). In particular, our Executive Committee Member, Ir Prof C.F. Lam, has accepted GC's invitation into the Organizing Committee as well as a Panel Judge of the Award. Please refer to their website ( for full particulars and enroll accordingly if you are interested and eligible.

04 April 2019Green Building Award 2019 (GBA 2019)

HKGSA is pleased to be a Supporting Organization of the Green Building Award (環保建築大獎), co-organised by the Professional Green Building Council (PGBC) and the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC). The Award covers all sort of buildings including new and existing ones, as well as those of residential, commercial and institutional natures. Nominations will close on 17 June 2019. Please visit for full particulars and nomination / application details.

29 March 2019 - ChinaChem Sustainability Conference 2019

Organized by the ChinaChem Group and co-organized by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC), HKGSA is a supporting organization of the said Conference. The Conference is free of charge, and a total five (5) CPD hours will be given to BEAM Pro and BEAM Affiliates. Please register with the organizer directly (

12 January 2019: HAESCO Forum on "Next-Generation Energy Paradigm"

With an aim to promote Cleaner Production Technology and supporting by the funding Organization Cleaner Production Partnership Programme (CPPP), the Hong Kong Association of Energy Services Companies (HAESCO) will present its Third Energy Efficiency Forum on "Next-Generation Energy Paradigm". Please see promotional flyer attached and register with the organizer directly.

07 January 2019: HKGSA presents its Written Submission on MSW Charging at LegCo

Represented by our Honorary Secretary Ir Kenny Wong, HKGSA presented its oral and written submissions at the LegCo's "Bills Committee on Waste Disposal (Charging for Municipal Solid Waste) (Amendment) Bill 2018" (2018年廢物處置(都市固體廢物收費)(修訂)條例草案》委員會). In summary, HKGSA strongly supports the Government on implementing the proposed Charging Scheme on Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) soonest possible. Please click here for our written submission.

05 December 2018 - 「清潔生產技術推廣研討會:氫能與區塊鏈」

With an aim to promote Cleaner Production Technology and under funding, the Hong Kong Association of Energy Services Company Limited (HAESCO) plans to present its Second Energy Efficiency Forum on「清潔生產技術推廣研討會:氫能與區塊鏈」, which HKGSA proudly supports. Please see the attached flyer for more details, and register ( with the organizer directly if you are interested.

27 November 2018 - Seminar on "Lantau Tomorrow – Is it A Great Vision?"

The Chief Executive has recently announced the "Lantau Tomorrow" vision in her 2018 Policy. Lantau is a double gateway to the World and the rapidly growing Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Taking this strategic locational advantage, Lantau and its adjoining areas offer tremendous opportunities to meet challenges of Hong Kong, such as high demand for housing land and quality living environment, traffic congestion in between New Territories and urban area, inadequate social welfare facilities particularly for the aging population, lack of solution space for urban renewal and keen global economic competition etc.

While some consider the "Lantau Tomorrow" a visionary plan guiding the sustainable growth of Hong Kong in the future 20-30 years, some others criticize it as a White Elephant.

HKGSA has therefore timely organized the said seminar to facilitate an evidence-based discussion to help everyone better understand this initiative, to be delivered by Mr. Robin K. B. LEE, Head of Sustainable Lantau Office of CEDD at the CityU. The seminar was successfully concluded as scheduled. Please click here for photos during the seminar.

18 October 2018: Responses to the 2018-2019 Policy Adress

Further to HKGSA's written suggestions to the Chief Executive (CE) related to environmental issues of the said Policy Address on 19 September 2018, and the subsequent official announcement on 10 October 2018, HKGSA has further written to the CE on our responses to the said Policy Address on 18 October 2018, in essence showing our support to the Policy Address in principle and our visions for further improvements and enhancement. A reference copy was also provided to the Secretary for the Environment at the same time.

19 September 2018: Written Submission to The Chief Executive for the 2018-19 Policy Address Consultation

For the seventh (7th) consecutive year, HKGSA has made its written submission to the Chief Executive, Mrs. Carrie Lam, on "Suggestions to Prominent Environmental Issues for the 2018-19 Policy Address Consultation". A reference copy was also provided to the Secretary for the Environment, Mr. K.S. Wong.

19 September 2018: SDC's Public Engagement on "Long-Term Decarbonisation Strategy"

HKGSA is pleased to be a Supporting Organization of the Public Engagement Exercise on the "Long-Term Decarbonisation Strategy" by the Council for Sustainable Development. Please visit for more details.

24 August 2018 - 「星星相惜」 餐飲伙伴計劃 (Food Smart Partnership Partnership Programme)

HKGSA, being a Supporting Organization of the said Programme, is pleased to report that the official Kick-Off Ceremony was successfully held on 24 August 2018. Selected photos of this Ceremony could be found at For updates related to the Programme, please visit the official website of the Programme

24 August 2018 - Hong Kong Green Building Week 2018

HKGSA is pleased to be a Supporting Organization of the "Hong Kong Green Building Week 2018" organized by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC). Please visit their website ( for more details and updates.

16 August 2018 - “Food Smart Partnership Programme” 

HKGSA is pleased to be one of the Supporting Organizations of the "Food Smart Partnership Programme" organized by the Association for Hong Kong Catering Services Management Ltd., the Association of Restaurant Managers, Chamber of Food & Beverage Industry of Hong Kong, Estates' Restaurants (Hong Kong) Merchant Association, Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants & Related Trades and The Association for Institution of Dining Art. A Kick-Off Ceremony will be held on 24 August 2018 (Friday) at 2:45 pm in the Conference Hall, 4/F, HKPC Building, with Mr. K.S. Wong, Secretary for the Environment of the HKSAR Government, as the Guest of Honour. Please visit the organizer's website for more information.

15 August 2018The Second (2nd) Annual General Meeting of HKGSA

Time flies!  It has been 6 years since the inception of HKGSA in 2012. We have been active in offering our views to the government on green policies and organizing many high level events on interesting environmental topics.

The current term of the ExCo members has just expired in the end of June 2018. To continue our momentum, HKGSA will hold its 2nd General Meeting cum Luncheon on 15 August at 12:00noon at Yau Yat Chuen Garden City Club (7 Cassia Road, Yau Yat Chuen, Kowloon).

Please kindly refer to the enclosed documents, and inform the secretariat on your attendance to the 2nd General Meeting and Lunch by filling in the Reply Form on or before 7 August 2018. If you want to join the ExCo of HKGSA in the coming term 2018-21, please kindly fill in the Nomination Form and return it by the same deadline.

We look forward to seeing you all on 15 August 2018!

19 July 2018: HKGSA is pleased to be a Supporting Organization of the "Annual Gathering of HAESCO on Energy Efficiency" organized by the Hong Kong Association of Energy Service Companies (HAESCO). For your information, our Vice Chairman, Mr. Dominic Yin is the Founding Chairman of HAESCO.

Please see attached flyer for details and register directly with the organizer at

22 June 2018: [For Members' Information Only]  “Bio- and Environmental Technology and Product development in the Mainland China Market” (內地專利商品化研討會 (生物科技及環保))

This Seminar is organized by the Hong Kong Federation of Invention and Innovation (HKFII) and the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC), with support of BUD funding from the HKSAR Government. Kindly note that our Vice-chairman Ir Prof Daniel Cheng is the moderator. Please note that HKGSA is not a supporting organization for this event.

29 May 2018: As a tradition for the past years, HKGSA, jointly with the Hong Kong Environmental Industry Association (HKIEnvIA) and the Hong Kong Bio- & Eco-Energy Industry Association (HKBEE), will hold its Annual Reception on 29 May 2018. This Reception is also co-organized with the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC), and supported by the HKIE Environmental Division and the Hong Kong Waste Management Association (HKWMA).

We are so honored to have the presence of Mr. Wong Kam-sing, GBS, JP, Secretary for the Environment of the HKSARG to be our Guest of Honour. Secretary Wong will also join a discussion forum with other heavy-weighted panelists onthe hot topic “Green Innovation”. This Reception is the perfect place for you to meet and minglewith old and new friends, as well as to reward ourselves for working hard all year round.

Please refer to the flyer for event and registration particulars. Look forward to seeing you there!

05 May 2018: Co-organized with the Business and Professionals Alliance for Hong Kong (BPA) and City University of Hong Kong (CityU), HKGSA has organized a half day forum on「環保業界如何把握粵港澳大灣區和一帶一路發展機遇」論壇 ("How does our Environmental Industry sieze the Opportunities brought by the "Guangdong - Hong Kong - Macao Bay Area" Development & "The Belt and Road Initiative").

The Forum was successfully concluded. Event photos can be viewed from, with speakers' presentations downloadable from the links below:

李麗平 女士  國家生態環境部 環境與經濟政策研究中心 國際環境政策研究所 所長

大灣區環保發展 - 香港經驗
鄭文聰 教授 工程師 香港工業總會 名譽會長 / 正昌科技(集團)有限公司 董事總經理



蔡群力 女士 德基科技控股有限公司 執行董事 及 首席執行官

大灣區環保發展 - 香港經驗
黃兆輝 教授 工程師 香港兆豐科技集團 董事總經理

More importantly, the Forum was way over-subscribed, and therefore please register early for our upcoming events to make sure your seat can be secured!

27 April 2018: As in previous years, HKGSA is pleased to be one of the supporting organizations of the HKIE Environmental Division Annual Forum "Developing Intelligent Resource Preservation Strategies for Hong Kong - Challenges for Innovation and Sustainability".

02 February 2018: HKGSA is pleased to be one of the Supporting Organizations of the Seminar on "Smart Engineering for 2030 and Beyond" ( organized by the Civil and Environmental Engineering Alumni Association (CEEAA) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Please stay tuned for more details of this event later on.

17 ~ 18 November 2017: HKGSA is pleased to support the "Two Coast Four Place Forum on Sustainable Solid Waste Management 2017 (2017海峽兩岸四地固體廢物管理論壇)" organized by the Hong Kong Waste Management Association.

07 November 2017: HKGSA made its written submission to the "Subcommittee on the 7th Technical Memorandum for Allocation of Emission Allowances  in Respect of Specified Licenses"  of LegCo, with particular focus on emissions from power plants and future fuel mixes for power generation.

15 September 2017: For the 6th consecutive year, HKGSA has made its written submission to the Chief Executive on the 2018 Policy Address Consultation.

28 August 2017: Per the invitation by EPD on 23 August 2017, HKGSA is pleased to submit its written opinion on "The Guangdong - Hong Kong - Macao Bay Area Development Plan", Environmental Protection Initiatives proposed by the Government of the HKSAR 《粵港澳大灣區合作發展規劃》特區政府擬議有關環保方面的建議.

07 August 2017: To further promote the Hong Kong Green Award 2017, HKGSA has jointly organized a seminar with the Environmental Division of the HKIE to debrief members on the history and particulars of this award. Please see attached flyer for details.

27 June 2017: HKGSA has been supporting the Hong Kong Green Award (HKGA) organized by the Green Council for several years. A series of Information Dissemination and Experience Sharing seminars is now organized on 16 and 23 June 2017. Please visit Green Council's website ( for details, and enrol on or before 15 September 2017 if you are interested.

29 May 2017: Our Executive Committee Member, Mr. K.K. Chan, represented HKGSA and provided its opinions on the "Proposed Implementation Arrangements for Municipal Solid Waste Charging" at the Special Meeting of Panel on Environmental Affairs of LegCo.

16 May 2017: HKGSA, in association with Hong Kong Environmental Industrial Association (HKEnvIA), Hong Kong Bio- & Eco-Energy Industry Association (HKBEE) and the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC, ), is pleased to announce that its annual Spring Reception for 2017 was successfully concluded.

Mr. K.S. Wong, Secretary for the Environment, as the Guest of Honor for the event, was at the event with over 120 guests and many Permanent Secretaries and Directors of the HKSAR government. Please visit for photos of the event.

Look forward to seeing you (again) next year!


29 April 2017: HKGSA is organizing a "Trip to T-Park: An Important Step in Hong Kong's Waste-to-Energy Journey". Please see flyer for details, and fill in the Reply Slip following the instructions within if you are interested to attend. Priorities will be given to HKGSA members in case of over-enrollment.

21st - 22nd April 2017: HKGSA is proud to be one of the Joint Organizers of the "4th International Conference on Climate Change - Post-Paris Agreement: Time to Act" organized by the Hong Kong Climate Change Forum (HKCCF). Please see flyer and visit for more details.

25 February 2017: HKGSA Forum "Hong Kong 2030+"

"Hong Kong  2030+: Towards a Planning Vision and Strategy Transcending 2030", a comprehensive strategy study to update the territorial development strategy, is built on the foundations of Hong Kong 2030 and has revisited the planning strategy and spatial development directions beyond 2030 in the light of dynamics and challenges ahead.

It represents the Government's vision, policy and strategy for the territorial development of Hong Kong beyond 2030. A visionary, proactive, prahmatic and action-oriented approach is adopted to ensure a focused public dialogue on the key planning issues critical to the future development and a timely response to the changing circumstaances in and outside of Hong Kong.

The Forum aims to bring together the representatives of the Government, Green Group and Planning Consultant to discuss the details and comment on this blueprint strategy for planning of Hong Kong in the next two decades.

The Forum is free of charge and do not miss this special forum. Please register using our Reply Slip.

23 January 2017: HKGSA is invited to attend and present its views at the Panel of Environmental Affairs on the "Implementation of the Producer Responsibility Scheme on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment".

Prior to this meeting, HKGSA submitted its written opinions on the above PRS, supporting the Scheme in principle and providing some salient points for the government's further consideration.

16 January 2017: HKGSA was invited to attend and, represented by our Executive Committee Member Mr. Jude Chow, present our views at the Subcommittee on Refuse Collection and Resource Recovery of the Panel on Environmental Affairs of the Legislative Council.

24 November 2016: For the 5th consecutive year, HKGSA has made its written submission to the Chief Executive on the 2017 Policy Address Consultation.

16 ~ 17 December 2016: Building on the sucessful collaboration in July, HKGSA is pleased to be one of the Supporting Organization of the "STEM Conference-cum-Carnival" held by The Education University of Hong Kong.

24 November 2016: HKGSA is honored to be one of the Supporting Organizations of the "Smart City Symposium - Smart City / Smart AEC" organized by Global VDC Limited, and co-organized by the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP), Smart City Consortium (SCC) and US Commerical Service, Department of Commerce.

23 September 2016: HKGSA is pleased to be one of the Supporting Organizations of HKIE's "Eight (8th) Guangdong Hong Kong Macau Sustainable Development Conference"  「第八屆粵港澳可持續發展研討會: 一帶一路與大灣區可持續發展的機遇與挑戰戰」 

29 July 2016: HKGSA is pleased to be one of the Supporting Organizations on the Public Engagement Exercise on "Promotion of Sustainable Consumption of Biological Resources" 「推廣可持續使用生物資源」.

Please refer to the attached flyer or visit the website of the Council for Sustainable Development (SDC) for more details. Please submit your views to SDC before 15th November 2016.

09 July 2016: In association with HKIE, IMechE HK, CityU and Business and Professionals Alliance for Hong Kong (BPA), HKGSA is pleased to announce the "Forum on New Energy", gathering practitioners in the field and share latest knowledge on new energy developments.

Speeches Delivered:

       (1) "The Rise of New Energy"
             Mr. Philip Shu, COO - New Energy Business, The Hong Kong and China Gas Co. Ltd.

       (2)  "The Prospect of Fuel Cell"
             Prof. Michael Leung,
Associate Dean, School of Energy & Environment, CityU

       (3)  "The Generation & Application of Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) for Circular Economy"
             Prof. Ir Steve Wong,
Managing Director, BillionGroup Technologies Ltd.

08 July 2016: Hong Kong STEM Olympiad 2016 (香港STEM 奧林匹克競賽)

HKGSA is proud to be one of the Supporting Organizations for the HK STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) Olympiad 2016 held at the Education University of Hong Kong.

Our Executive Committee Member, Prof. Ir C.F. Lam, also acted as a judge of the panel of this very meaningful event. Please click here for selected photos, or visit for full particulars.

13 May 2016: HKGSA submitted its Response Letter to the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) on the proposed "Additional Gas-Fired Generation Units" Project.

18 April 2016: HKGSA is pleased to be one of the Supporting Organizations for HKIE Environmental Division's Annual Forum "Hong Kong's Role in Low Carbon Development: Challenges and Way Forward" to be held in the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre.

05 April 2016: HKGSA responded to the Agricultural, Fisheries and Conservation Department's (AFCD's) consultation on the "Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan".

18 March 2016: HKGSA submits its written opinions to the Transport Department on the "Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) Pilot Scheme".

19 January 2016: In collaboration with the Hong Kong Environmental Industry Association (HKEnvIA), HKGSA is pleased to announce its 2016 Reception. The Reception is co-organized with the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC), and supported by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Environmental Division and Hong Kong Waste Management Association (HKWMA).

We are so honored to have the presence of Mr. Wong Kam Sing, JP, Secretary for the Environment of HKSAR to be our Guest of Honour of the event. This Reception is the perfect place for you to meet and mingle with old and new friends, as well as to reward ourselves for working hard all year round.

Please click here for photos of the event.

05 December 2015: In celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the PolyU Civil and Environmental Engineering Alumini Association (CEEAA), a one-day symposium on "Development vs. Conservation: Is Engineering a Solution?" is organized jointly with the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of the PolyU. HKGSA is pleased to be a Supporting Organization of the event. Please register quickly before limited spaces run out!

16 November 2015: HKGSA submits its written response to CEDD in relation to the "Hung Shiu Kiu New Development Area (HSK NDA) - Planning & Engineering Study - Phase 3 Community Engagement".

17 April 2015: HKGSA supports the HKIE Environmental Division Annual Forum "The Future Directions and Breakthroughs of Hong Kong's Environmental Industries".

05 November 2015: As in previous years, HKGSA has been providing written submissions to the Government on prominent environmental issues for consideration in formulating its upcoming Policy Address. On detailed discussions within the Executive Committee of HKGSA, HKGSA has once again submitted its view to the Chief Executive (CE) and the Secretary for the Environment (SEN) for the Government's consideration in its Policy Address in 2016. The written submissions were received in person by Mrs. Carrie Lam and Mr. K.S. Wong on 05 November 2015.

09 October 2015: Alongside with the HKIE Environmental Division, HKGSA is pleased to be one of the Supporting Organizations of the short course on "The Application & Regulation of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) & Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in Hong Kong" delivered by HKGSA's Committee Member Ir C.F. Lam.

08 September 2015: HKGSA made its written submission to Towngas Planning Board in response to its "Draft Chek Lap Kok Outline Zoning Plan No. S/I-CLK/13" related to HKIA's Planned 3-Runway System.

18 July 2015:「國家水十條水十條」論壇 (Chinese Only)

The Chinese Government has announced its new Action Plan to further present water pollution on 16 April 2015. The Action Plan clearly sets out the directions and targets, with associated policy framework and enforcement details, to strengthen water management and pollution prevention.

Jointly co-organized with the Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK), the Environmental Division of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), the Hong Kong Environmental Industry Association (HKEnvIA), Business & Professionals Alliance for Hong Kong (BPA), and supported by many other prestigious professional associations and bodies, HKGSA is proud to announce the said Forum to be held at OUHK Homantin Campus on 18 July.

Many prestigious speakers will share their insights, including 吳舜澤 教授 (國家環境保護部 環境規劃院 副院長), 何建宗 教授 (香港公開大學科技院 院長), 曾錦林 先主 (香港生產力促進局 環境管理部總經理), 盧偉國 博士 (香港綠色策略聯盟主席、工程界立法會議員).

Event Photos

Speeches Delivered:

       (1) 吳舜澤 教授, 國家環境保護部 環境規劃院 副院長

       (2)  何建宗 教授, 香港公開大學 科技院 院長

(3) 曾錦林 先生, 香港生產力促進局 環境管理部 總經理

       (4) 盧偉國 博士, 香港綠色策略聯盟主席、工程界立法會議員

Reference External Links:



       (3)  國家環保部

       (4)  環境保護部環境規劃院

(Please note that HKGSA is not responsible for the content or accuracy of the above external links)


15 June 2015: The First (1st) Annual General Meeting of HKGSA

The first AGM of the HKGSA was successfully convened on 15 June 2015 as scheduled, where the Chairman's Report was delivered.

A new Executive Committtee was formed for the new session, and the Hon Dr. Ir Lo Wai Kwok was elected and will continue to serve as Chairman of HKGSA for the next session.

We thank you for your previous support, and do very much look forward to your continued suport in future.

If you have not already joined HKGSA, please do so quickly!

24 January 2015: "Forum on Food Waste Management in Hong Kong: Challenges & Opportunities?", jointly organized by HKGSA, HKWMA and PolyU.

Prestigious speakers include Mr. Elvis AU (Assistant Director of EPD), Mr. CHEN Hung-yi (Deputy Executive Secretary of EPA, Taiwan), Mr. David CHAN (HKPC) and Dr. William YU (CEO of World Green Organization). Please download Registration Form here.

21 March 2015: Jointly organized with the Hong Kong Waste Management Association (HKWMA), and with PolyU, HKIE Environmental Division, HKBEE, IMechE HK Branch & Business and Professionals Alliance of Hong Kong being Co-Organizers, HKGSA is pleased to announce the "Technical Seminar on Sustainable Waste Management Policy & Implementation - Plastic Shopping Bags Charging & Others in the Pipeline"

Speeches Delivered:

       (1) Ir Dr Alain Lam, Principal Environmental Protection Officer of EPD

       (2) Ir Kenny Wong: Principal Consultant, Hong Kong Productivity Council

25 November 2014: HKGSA is proud to be one of the Supporting Organizations of the "Water Conservation Forum for Hotel & Catering Industries" organized by the Advisory Committee on Water Resources & Quality of Water Supplies (ACRQWS).

22 November 2014:「國家環境保護法規」論壇 (Only available in Chinese)

The National Environmental Protection Act in China has recently been revised and will come into effect on 01 Jan 2015. This revision entails substantial changes in particular more stringent requirements on various environmental aspects.

In view of the above, HKGSA has organized the said Forum and invited high level Central Government official (國家環境保護部 政法司規處副長 李静雲女士) to debrief our members on these key changes. Moreover, other key speakers from the local arena will also share their insights and the implications to the current business and professional practice.

The Forum is co-organized with HKIE, HKWMA, HKIEnvIA and BPA, and well supported by other professional counterparts including HKFI, CIWEM HK and CityU.

       Speeches Delivered:

       (1) 李静雲女士 國家環境保護部政法司法規處副處長

       (2)  鄭文聰 工程師 香港工業總會 副主席

       (3) 曾錦林 先生 香港生產力促進局環境管理部 總經理

04 November 2014: Submission on the 2015 Policy Address Consultation Hand-Delivered to CS and SEN
As a continued effort to advocate its green objectives, HKGSA provides its Written Submission to the Chief Executive on the 2015 Policy Address Consultation. To highlight HKGSA's dedication, the submission was hand-delivered and received by the Chief Secretary and the Secretary for the Environment (Photo).

18 July 2014: HKGSA makes its written submission to EPD on the EIA Report of the "Expansion of Hong Kong Airport into a Three-Runway System"

12 July 2014: "Technical Forum: EIA for the Airport Three-Runway System Project"
Amongst other prestigious professional counterparts, HKGSA is proud to be one of the Organizers of this successful event, focused on this important infrastructure development of Hong Kong.

       Speeches Delivered:

       (1) Ir Dr the Hon W.K. Lo, Chairman of HKGSA
            "EIA - Angel or Devil?”

       (2) Mr Peter Lee: General Manager, Environment, Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA)
            "擴建香港國際機場成為三跑道系統 - 環境影響評估"

       (3) Dr Ng Cho Nam: Associate Professor, University of Hong Kong
            "A Marine Park or a Dolphin Sanctuary!"

12 May 2014: HKGSA is proud to be one of the organizers of the Symposium "Road Map of Electric Vehicle Development & Commercialization", jointly organized with the School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong (CityU) and the Hong Kong Association of Energy Service Companies (HAESCO).

       Speeches Delivered:

       (1) Ir Prof. C.C. Chan, Honorary Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, the University of Hong Kong
            "Renaissance and Road Map of Electric Vehicle Commercialization”

       (2) Ir W.C. Mok: Assistant Director (Air Policy), Environmental Protection Department, the Government of the HKSAR
            "The Promotion of Electric Vehicles in Hong Kong"


10 May 2014: HKGSA is pleased to be one of the supporting organizationz for the "Policy Forum: Fuel Mix for Electricity Generation in Hong Kong", jointly organized by the Hong Kong Association of Energy Engineers (HKAEE) and the Association of Energy Engineers HK Chapter (AEE-HKC)

25 April 2014: HKGSA Honorary Secretary, Ir Kenny Wong, was invited as the Keynote Speaker at the “Environment and Climate Change Forum Series on MSW Charging"「環境及氣候論壇系列:都市固體廢物收費」論壇 organized by the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

11 April 2014: Represented by our Executive Committee Member Mr. Simon Cheung, HKGSA is pleased to have participated at the 「HKPC集思匯–如何促進回收業的持續發展」

9 April 2014: HKGSA proudly supports the HKIE Environmental Division's Annual Seminar "Hong Kong Energy Challenges & Solutions"

8 April 2014: HKGSA' First Spring Reception (新春酒會), co-organized with the Hong Kong Environmental Industry Association (HKEnvIA) and the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC). HKGSA is proud to have the Secretary for the Environment as the Guest of Honor.

       Speeches Delivered:

       (1) Mr. K.S. Wong JP, Secretary for the Environment, "3 + 1 Green Trip"

       (2) Ir Dr the Hon W.K. Lo BBS, MH, JP Chairman of HKGSA

       (3) Ir Daniel Cheng MH, President of HKIEnvA


02 ~ 04 April 2014: HKGSA is pleased to support the China International New Energy Vehicle (CINEV) Show in Hong Kong

22 Mar 2014: Represented by our Executive Committee Member Mr. Jude Chow, HKGSA is pleased to present and submit its written responses at the LegCo's Panel on Environmental Affairs related to the Government's "3 + 1" proposal on Waste Facilities

07 Jan 2014: For the 2nd consecutive year, HKGSA has made a Written Submission to the Chief Executive on “Suggestion to Prominent Environmental Issues for the 2014 Policy Address Consultation”

16 Dec 2013: HKGSA presented its views at the Panel on Environmental Affairs of the Legislative Council on “Public Engagement on Municipal Solid Waste Charging”

22 Nov 2013: HKGSA is proud to announce the "Waste Management Forum on: How Hong Kong Can Handle its Residual Waste Apart from Implementing Source Reduction & Recycling"(廢物管理論壇: 源頭減廢及循環再用以外;香港應該如何處理剩餘的廢物?)

      Presentation Materials:

      (1) Dr. Colin Brown, Director of Engineering, IMechE(英國機械工程師學會工程總監): “Waste Treatment Technologies and Management Practices”

      (2) Dr. Eugene Chien (簡又新博士),President, Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy (台灣永續能源研究基金會董事長)
           The Green Mile to Incinerator”  (焚化爐 : 綠色路途)

      (3) Ir Daniel Cheng (鄭文聰工程師),President, Hong Kong Environmental Industry Association (香港環保產業協會會長)
           "Application of incinerators in South East Asia" (焚化爐於東南亞的應用)

21 Nov 2013: “Alliance for Promoting Sustainable Waste Management for Hong Kong” (倡議香港可持續廢物管理聯盟), within which HKGSA is a member, issued a Joint Statement and Press Release to push forward to current waste management actions in Hong Kong

23 Sep 2013: Chairman Dr. W.K. Lo invited as Guest of Honor at the 20th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Hong Kong Waste Management Assocation.

31 July ~ 1 August 2013: HKGSA supports the "The 2nd International IP Commercialisation Conference (Hong Kong)" at Dr. Charles Kao Auditorium, Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin.

11 June 2013: HKGSA Inauguration Ceremony cum Seminar on Waste Management
「香港綠色策略聯盟」成立典禮 暨「廢物管理 何去何從?」研討會

      Keynote Address and Presentation by Guest Speakers & HKGSA Members

      1. Keynote Address by Mr. WONG Kam Sing, JP
          Secretary for the Environment, the Government of the HKSAR

      2. "Challenges of Municipal Solid Waste Management in Hong Kong"
          Ir Professor POON Chi Sun, Professor and Associate Head (Research Development)

          Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

      3. "Charging of Municipal Solid Waste"

          Professor Nora TAM Fung Yee, BBS, JP
          Chair Professor, Department of Biology and Chemistry, City University of Hong Kong
          Member, Sustainable Development Council
          Convener of Support Group on Public Engagement Exercise for Municipal Solid Waste Charging

      4. "Food Waste Management in Hong Kong: Challenges and Opportunities"

          Ir Elvis AU Wai Kwong, JP
          Asst Director (Nature Conservation & Infrastructure Planning), Environmental Protection Department, the Goverment of the HKSAR

      5. Presentation at Panel Discussion by Mr. Dominic YIN, Vice-Chairman of HKGSA

      6. "廢物管理 何去何從? - 民意趨勢"
           Prof. Ho Kin CHUNG, BBS, Executive Committee Member of HKGSA

      Full Inauguration Booklet

      Photos of the Event: 

01 June 2013: HKGSA invited by the Panel on Environmental Affairs of the LegCo's to present its views at the "Special Meeting on Landfil Extension" (Adminstration's Paper; HKGSA's Written Submission).

15 May 2013:HKGSA invited by the Council on Sustainable Development (SBC) to a Supporting Organization of the Public Engagement Exercise on MSW Charging, and participated in the Thematic Focus Group Meeting (FGM).

13 March 2013: HKGSA supports the HKIE Environmental Division Annual Seminar on "Green Building and Construction Materials - Innovation and Excellence".

25 January 2013: HKGSA becomes a Supporting Organization of “Go Green Chopsticks” Business Affairs Proposal 2013 by the Junior Chamber International Peninsula (JCI).

02 January 2013: Written Submission to the Chief Executive on “Suggestion to Prominent Environmental Issues for the 2013 Policy Address Consultation”

06 December 2012: HKGSA supports the “Forum on Food Waste Management - Challenges and Opportunities” jointly organized by the HKIE (Environmental Division) and the Hong Kong Waste Management Association (HKWMA).

30 October 2012: HKGSA supports the 大中華碳交易發展前瞻論壇”, which was part of the Eco Asia Conference under the Eco Expo Asia 2012.

04 October 2012: HKGSA Executive Committee met the Secretary for the Environment (Mr. K.S. Wong) and the Under-Secretary for the Environment (Ms. Christine Loh) for a face-to-face debriefing session on HKGSA’s written submission in July.

14 July 2012:HKGSA made its first submission to the Secretary for the Environment (Mr. K.S. Wong) on its opinions of various environmental issues requiring imminent attention.

31 July ~ 1 August 2013: HKGSA supports the "The 2nd International IP Commercialisation Conference (Hong Kong)" at Dr. Charles Kao Auditorium, Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin.

03 September 2012: HKGSA officially registered as a Registered Society under the Societies Ordinance.